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Quantum-Safe Cybersecurity from Hype to Reality-Steps to Quantum Threat Resilience for Business and Society


Nov 28 2022, Monday09:00 AM - 05:00 PM (GMT+08:00)-Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi


32 Carpenter Street , 32 Carpenter Street

, Singapore



Practical quantum computing is expected to break the security of nearly all important public-key cryptographic primitives used in today’s digital communication. That critical moment is still some years ahead, but rapid technological developments highlight the urgent need to address quantum readiness and the shift to quantum-safe cybersecurity. But what is really needed? How can we prepare and p...

Practical quantum computing is expected to break the security of nearly all important public-key cryptographic primitives used in today’s digital communication. That critical moment is still some years ahead, but rapid technological developments highlight the urgent need to address quantum readiness and the shift to quantum-safe cybersecurity. But what is really needed? How can we prepare and protect against quantum risks? What are the challenges on the way to the transition? What approaches and technologies are currently available, and where do current solutions and quick-fix promises fall short? The event will do a deep dive with experts in the field on the issues and the critical steps we need to take.
Aimed at business leaders, cyber security experts, and policy-makers, this event brings together international and local speakers to discuss managing the risks and ensure a sustainable and resilient transition to quantum-safeness for business and society. We will discuss the challenges and opportunities for the cybersecurity sector and how international collaboration can foster a quantum-safe technology supply chain today.

The event aims to operate as an international forum and stimulate the exchange in the field of quantum security and readiness. The objective is to promote research, transfer knowledge between involved communities, and stimulate joint work. Interested parties are invited to contribute to collaborate in developing an interdisciplinary position paper beyond the event.


9:00am-9:05am   Opening
Michael Kasper, Christian Kurtsiefer
9:05am - 9:10amPosition Paper Quantum Cybersecurity
Michael Kasper, Christian Kurtsiefer, Anupam Chattopadhyay

9:10am - 09:45am      
Keynote Quantum Cybersecurity
Michele Mosca, University Waterloo, evolutionQ
9:45am - 10:00amWelcome Address
Ambassador Riedel, German Embassy
Veronica Phua, ED, Community 
 Quantum Cybersecurity and Quantum Readiness
10:00am -10:30am   Quantum Readiness and Transition
Heike Hagemeier, Federal Office for Information Security, BSI, Germany
10:30am - 11:00am    Networking Break
11:00am – 11:20amNational Quantum Safe Network
Jing Yan Haw, NQSN
11:20am – 11:50amPanel: Quantum Readiness in Perspective
Gov and Industry partners

11:50am – 12:00pmQ&A
12:00pm – 12:40pm    Lunch
 Post Quantum Cryptography
12:40pm- 1:00pm    PQC a Crypto Agility Enabler? Challenges in the transition towards quantum-safeness.
Marc Stoettinger, University Rhein-Main, Wiesbaden
1:00pm – 1:30pmA dive into the NIST PQC Finalists
Ruben Niederhagen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Co-author Sphincs+
Peter Schwabe, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, Germany,
Co-author Dilithium

1:30pm – 1:50pmIETF Standardization Efforts at the Example of Post-Quantum VPNs
Daniel Loebenberger, Fraunhofer AISEC
1:50pm – 2:20pmQ&A + Networking Break
 Quantum Communication
2:20pm – 2:40pmQuantum Communication and Practical QKD Security
Christian Kurtsiefer
2:40pm – 3:00pmQuantum Key Distribution Entangled with Photons
Kevin Fuechsel, CEO, Quantum Optics Jena, Germany
3:00pm – 3:20pmQuantum Satellite Networks and QNEX, Singapore
Chune Yang Lum, Robert Bedington, SpeQtral,
3:20pm – 3:40pmQ&A + Networking Break
 Quantum Ecosystem and Supply Chain
3:40pm - 4:00pmQuantum Ecosystem in Europe
Johannes Verst, QBN
4:00pm - 4:20pm Quantum Supply Chain and International Policies
Manoj Harjani, RSIS, NTU
4:20pm - 4:30pm Q&A + Networking Break
 Quantum Cybersecurity Evaluation
4:30pm –4:50pm   Shivam Bhasin, NICE/NTU
On Exploiting Side-channel information and fault attacks on classic and PQC implementations
4:30pm – 4:50pmNils Gerhardt, CTO, Utimaco, Germany
Deeper dive into Hardware security modules with QKD and PQC; Certification
4:50pm – 5:10pmQin Hao, NUS, NQSN
Quantum Hacking and Security Evaluation of Quantum Key Distribution Systems
5:10pm – 5:45pmPanel: Quantum Cybersecurity Evaluation
Tobias Hemmert, Christan Kurtsiefer, Qin Hao, Shivam
5:45pm – 5:50pmClosing
6:00pm – 7:00pmOpen Networking Event


Ambassador Norbert Riedel
German Embassy Singapore

Veronica Phua
SGInnovate, Executive Director, Community

Michael Kasper
CEO Fraunhofer Singapore and Co-coordinator, National Quantum-Safe Network

Michele Mosca
Professor University Waterloo, evolutionQ

Heike Hagemeier
Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), Germany

Daniel Loebenberger
Department Head, Fraunhofer AISEC, Professor HS Weiden, Competence Centre Post Quantum Cryptography

Christian Kurtsiefer
Professor, Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore

Kevin Fuechsel
CEO, Quantum Optics Jena, Germany

Jing Yan Haw
National Quantum Safe Network, National University of Singapore

Hao Qin
National Quantum Safe Network, National University of Singapore

Anupam Chattopadhyay
Assoc Prof Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

Shivam Bashin
Programme Manager, Centre for Hardware Assurance (NTU)

Marc Stoettinger
Professor, Hochschule Rhein-Main, Germany

Johannes Verst
CEO, Quantum Business Network Online

Ruben Niederhagen
Research Fellow, Sinica Taiwan, Asst. Professor University Denmark

Peter Schwabe
Professor Radboud University, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy

Manoj Harjani
Research Fellow, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS)

Tobias Hemmert

Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), Germany

Robert Bedington
CTO, Spectral

Chune Yang Lum
Co-founder and CTO, Spectral

